After a long and honorable life, a hardworking farmer arrived in the afterlife and was destined for heaven. He was a guy full of curiosity and asked to first look to hell. An angel contented.
He found himself in a vast hall that had a central table laden with dishes full of tasty dishes and delicacies imaginable. But the guests, who sat all around, were emaciated, pale, emaciated and bruised so mercilessly.
"How is it possible?" Asked the farmer to his guidance.
"With all that good in front of God!"
"There are cutlery to eat, only they are more than a meter long and must be closely contested at the end. Only then can bring food to the mouth "
The hardworking farmer shuddered. It was terrible the punishment of those poor souls who, try as they did, they could not get even a crumb under the teeth. He did not want to see any more and asked to go immediately to heaven. Here the
for a surprise.
Paradise was an absolutely identical living hell!
Inside the huge hall was an endless table of people sitting in front of an identical parade of delicious dishes.
Not only that, all bear the same guests were laid more than a meter long, to hold the end to bring food to the mouth.
There was only one difference: the people here around the table was happy, well fed, brimming with joy.
"How is that possible?" Asked the astonished farmer.
The angel smiled: "To hell with everyone is anxious to grasp food and bring it to his mouth, because that always behaved in their lives. Here on the contrary, each takes the food with knife and fork and then take care of his neighbor. "
Heaven and hell are in your hands.