Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sims 2 Vacuum Machine

Reflections Back from the grave ...

bulging, exhausted, worn out.
tired of crying.
How many tears Possoni you pay before you fall victim of oblivion?
And how many before becoming arid, barren of emotions, perceptions, surprises?
How many tears devon pay before he could become imperturbable in the face of any concern?
Drops who do not cancel, do not wash away the image, that taste bitter, painful.
drops mingle with a nausea of feelings, desires, doubts.
extremely fragile.
Conscious innocence.
longing, a thirst for something that is not there something that lives only in illusions, c he eats greedy and covetous of the imagination, the imagination, which loves and hates, who curses you but which you could not do without.
all so very confused, clouded, restless ...
out of control, indifferent to every rule ...


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