Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Color Theme For 14 Year Old

new form of traveling the decay of Rome Laboratory on the theme: WATER! Water is our

"The workshop for adults on the water is an opportunity to reflect together on society, on the basic elements of social life, the management of common goods. Through two games we have created together and called" WATER GAME "and" RIVALITY "the workshop participants will gain information, to play to decide on the water, make sense of public management and participatory water, understanding water conflict. "

will be distributed later, via email, cards, documentation, legal references and bibliography on the theme played.

For further information and to reserve your participation please email

You are all invited to attend
THANK for those who may be present

on June 12 from 17.00 to 20.00

within the initiative


"For the environment, another economy, to the rights of all against all forms of racism"

11, 12 and 13 June 2010 - Park Bergamini - Via Raffaele Stockings, 37 - Rome

Burned Area Casal - Tiburtina


Friday, June 11 "Pills of shrinkage"

at 19:00 Speech by the Itinerant Laboratory of decrease

- at 20:00 Meet the authors and Presentation of the book "In First Person: Lotte and territorial disputes committee Lazio." Following intervention of the Public Forum on the water

- Dinner at 21:00 by P- ROCIV ARCI.

- 22:00 pm Presentation of the book "The End of Liberalism-guide to the great financial crisis"

published by Paper / Intra Moenia Alberto Castagnola, an economist


- Link to video conference with Federico Demaria, activist and scholar of the decrease in the 'Autonomous University of Barcelona and activities' Association Research & Degrowth

- Intervention Ciclofficina The Cage and Bruno Ventre, responsible Equalway collaborative frame work in favor of fair trade groups and small producers who work in the field of fair trade, organic and local produce and the protection of biodiversity

Saturday, June 12 Rights migrants

- 16:30 Speech by Libraries Solidarity
- Roman libraries involved in the promotion of projects for creating libraries reading and public schools in developing countries of the World

- 17-20 hours "Workshop on the Water" by the Itinerant Laboratory decrease.

Here 's entire program


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