Attack to the Deutch Bank! Sunday 9/11/2008- Accomplice a beautiful sunny Sunday, it was also the nArcoteam BANKS in the area of \u200b\u200bMilan in search of innovative commercials.
FOTOreport This testifies to the blue sky and our tricks to 2 meters in height.
At first glance the Bank is not so inclined, its surface reflects all to perfection, the run is narrow and winding and the tiles are a bit spotty. That was just the prelude to the side there are two major problems, a gap of 2 meters to the left and a gap of 3 yards to the right with steps.
We organize an orderly queue to try our tricks and check the stability of the ground, everything is ready for a sequence of afternoon of skateboarding.
Stefano (aka Mimi) is the first, blowing tricks.
Stefano Guardamagna - Kickflip to Fack The afternoon sun flooded the Bank with its own light and so warm and everyone is pumped for a session of tricks.
Claudio Santoro - Fack 360Flip
Madella Andrew - Kickflip Bs
Andrew Liddington - Nolle heelflip
It 's time to bring home some good shooting the sun and turns the good faith and inspiration (aka Fred Peroni) takes home this trick very precise.
Peroni Fred - Nolle Bsflip It 's time to move, the first curious and fans begin to battered balls with their calls to the authorities. Happy with the beautiful photographs and material collected are ready to break even next spot.
Peroni Fred & Andrew Liddington nArcoteam Skateboarding Milan
Andrew Liddington
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