We can not to assume that everyone knows the value of differences and indeed we live in an environment that increasingly considers the differences, especially the superficial (skin color, shape of the eyes, language, etc.). a real lack thereof, that is, characteristics that are automatically associated with lower intelligence, poor work, primitive customs, crime trends. Moreover, all the more in-depth research and analysis are rejected en bloc: concepts such as the origin of humanity is in a groove, that dell'Olduvai, Africa, or that human physiology does not lead to the conclusion on the existence of "races above, are considered the bullshit put into circulation by a little do-gooders' stupid. So unfortunately it is necessary at the outset clear away the prejudices and from racism (among other things, rapid growth in Italy) and this requires a significant task and that there will absolutely minority.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba world made up of a multiplicity of human groups that follow different paths at different times do not have built parallel cultures and value systems appears to be a very original concept easily accepted by only a small number of people. This world view, then, to be thorough and in depth perception requires positive experience, quite rare in the capitalist world: a cruise or a stay in Club Mediterranee provide few opportunities for actual contact with the cultures places of destination and a tourist trip organized, "five days and four nights in four countries in the Middle East," often provides participants with just a bunch of prejudices and experiences piled up, difficult to erase the rest of life. Complete the work with television documentaries on random partial reality located in a geography roughly (a prehistoric tribes in the Upper Amazon).
A culture is always a complex set of images and myths, feelings and world views, values \u200b\u200band behaviors that take time to be known and more time to be appreciated. Moreover, these deeper experiences need to be compared with detailed knowledge of other cultures that have followed very different evolutionary paths. The result also must not brought to trial generic, like "each group must be accepted for what it is" ( cultural relativism no less dangerous ) and must be filtered through the knowledge of their culture , But not too hasty or superficial and very critical.
I think at this point the only way you will be able to appreciate really "diversity" , that is to grasp the most exciting and valuable aspects of a culture, absorbing the most exciting things for our spirit and enhancing the facets (theoretically infinite) of our worldview.
The construction of a shared ground at the outset this requires effort, perhaps the only one that makes life worth living a full and continuous source of satisfaction.
for sharing be real (ie not just a general human attitude towards the other inhabitants the planet) must meet some basic conditions:
a) be motivated by a never-ending curiosity for foreign cultures
b) have a capacity of relationships that takes into account primarily the needs of others
c) exclude any position force or power and be able to comply with conditions of equality (not formal equality) in each of the relationships
That said, it's wonderful to enter into a hut like home and enjoy living it uses and perhaps antithetical to our morals without feeling obliged to judge or attack. In doing so finally we will enter into contact with our roots and our tail and we will work shoulder to shoulder with a native Brazilian, without knowing how to distinguish one from another.
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