We report a series of questions and proposals prepared by Alberto Castagnola for three days on the themes of decline

[With regard to individual behaviors are These skulls and other cards, such as number 14 of the Information System of Economy City, with tips on how to modify their individual and family consumption. Should serve ...] to identify the difficulties encountered and to find your individual approach to changing attitudes towards the economic mechanisms and against the dominant logic to be followed to avoid the obligations and constraints of the system.
The second part of question is much more difficult, because how to convince others and how to spread collective mode of a much more human and ecological living requires a complex of actions and a number of commitments still have not expressed substantially in practice anywhere. Throw the bumpy any indication, both
to understand the scale of the difficulties encountered:
- The constraints (advertising, television, imposed on consumption such as mobile phones or pointy shoes) have penetrated deep and would be dissolved or uprooted a psychoanalysis of mass, so only a counter very accurate over the long haul and spread by all possible means may have some effect contraceptive, may give rise to doubt, the emergence of contradictions, so widespread opposition to the sales techniques and the phenomena of imitating mass
- would serve even a very new language , positively, designed to facilitate recruitment of responsibilities, and techniques have been used so far old, dated, been too modest (parades, concerts, flyers and Super Deals, newspapers and radio without financial resources, etc..), and refusing to whether methods such as the theater of the oppressed or the teaching coscientizzante Paulo Freire
- Some mass phenomena (barter in Argentina with a million and half people involved or women's organizations in India, with 200,000 members of Sewa) are clearly due to the economic needs urgent, serious and long-term, which entire populations forced to move collectively. We must hope that these phenomena are multiplied before the environmental damage destroy us as a species?
- The use of networks, designed as a way of connecting horizontal , very different from the pyramid of parties and unions, is still new, but is major barriers to its expansion, even by organizations that pay lip movement, because in fact questioning the vertical forms of organization of their internal power, while the left still unable to conceive forms of organization of a national community that does not involve the seizure of power (that is based on measurement substantial on a real and widespread participation of citizens choices of interest).
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