Saturday, June 21, 2008

Apply For Jobs January Before Graduating

Breaking news

Hello ... what the heck is that I live ... but how do I say ... Boccaletti steps of the periods in which write to the river and others in which you do not know what to say or do not have time to say anything I add I ... This
period is nothing short of fucked up ... I'm right at home just to sleep tonight ... ... but even that we leave quietly
Yesterday there was the last excursion of sedimentary basins in the Apennines ... Beautiful hike heaven's sake were it not that I did not think there was plenty of sunshine and warm sunshine ... and zac ... half mica nice eh ...
get home that's nearly 20 I do so after a super hot shower with the heat is getting a little bit better and get ready to leave because for the inauguration of the fair of St. John will continue until Wednesday (the day on which I hope to support a successful review of Photogeology view the carnage ... I hope the other day) ... with the band playing from 22:00 for the concert touring, first of a long series of events that accompanies the white night for two years now that the Fair opens.
After the concert we were the band with some friends a ride to Spilamberto prey to a sort of bacchanalian as last year that have accompanied this event, and a chat between a strawberry granita (hmm very good), some Beppe Cavani song in the piano bar and a walk as it should be 5 and we arrived at the city administration as he promised he honored those present of coffee (heck, if one has held up all night at 5 fno's going to make the coffee so the day after not sleeping?) donuts and macaroons ...
got home I got a bit 'sleeping from 6 to 8 and then ... nothing .... eyes At 9 OO
open so I went with John on the other hand in Bologna and Music For All by Federico aim to make up for some music to your eyes!
And tonight will be more or less the same story ... I hope to go to bed eh but if not I can not stand ... and Sunday ... it will be laughing for the examination of 25 ...
Bye! I'm going to turn on the fresh breeze!
Ps ... next year, assuming that decides to participate in this particular evening The administrator gives reason to hope that the volume content + groups that played my mom ... what a mess!


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