When I met Andrea for the first time was a distant nArcoteam perspective and it was natural for us to skate together milano.Sin now this guy with shorts and easy trick that left me mouth aperta.Sembrava for him there were no fears or mental limitations in performing a trick or throw a gap, enough to have the big feet firm on the table that the game was fatto.E 'he was later to make us realize how beautiful it was taped to each other and make a video of our history, it was the beginning of nArcoteam. Today Andrea is a serious and committed academic who has never lost the love for all types of exercise and sport but above all he never lost those damn tricks that closes with the big feet on tavola.Spesso we lose sight of, but then he goes back and remembers soon as you go on the table with rotelle.Amo skate when it is pumped (again) because I charge with his positive energy and her smile and helps me with ideas and proposals to make the team grow.
I leave in the company of his videopart in "nArcoteam Loves Skateboarding" @ 2007!
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