When I met Claudio could not believe my eyes, ran with a group of boys who went to skate in my lost country made of rough concrete and surrounded by countryside in the province did milanese.Subito friendship with him and taught him what he knew, the show and explain the games to skate through the tricks and the basics of our passione.Dopo some time lost sight of him, but what I found a few years later I could not even imagine.

A powerful skater he was doing all kinds of tricks, and soared with a bag of tricks to beat the first impressionante.Se Skate was a way to teach something, now is the Act and that he teaches me how to do tricks.
Claudio is growing dramatically and that is why I thought that being part of a "group" with which concrete skate was perfect for him. You will learn to know him slowly and remain stunned by the ease with which he realizes his lines and films his tricks.
Still pumped with a smile on his face Claudio is filming his first videopart with nArcoteam and documenting what I am and what I tell you the images will be an innovative videopart.
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