Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How Long For A Full Body Wax
Thursday, November 11, 2010
How To Masterbait With A Bed
... two new appointments by touring the decrease of the Laboratory of Rome, in November to
CAE - Economy City of Rome :
- November 13 - Saturday (16.30 - 19.00) RECYCLE REUSE SPACE (CAE) * LABORATORY the imaginary
- November 27 - Saturday (10.30 to 13.30) within two days to CAE "Pending". MEETING ROOM (CAE) * WATER LABORATORY
[** For further information see previous post]
[For info: ]
will workshops and interventions for "training" : for groups and persons are educated on issues of economic solidarity, critical consumption, environmentalism, pacifism ...
groups do not necessarily formally constituted, but composed of people who are already sensitized to emerging social needs, for whatever reason / membership / training.
For all those that try to make the RESEARCH in an innovative way in their activities and that are perceived as a collection, a variety of reasons and purposes, might be particularly interested in our experiences.
This year we also aimed to build a project that will allow us to explain our mode of design and construction of laboratories. We hear it as an important aspect to increase the number of people who want to business with this workshop forms of "information and training."
These considerations lead us to propose two meetings at City 'dell'Altraeconomia .
These two workshops for adults that will be made in November, which includes the files you attached with details. The dates envisaged are:
To book or for more information please write to:
Laboratory Travelling the decay of Rome
Confidentiality Statement Sample
November 27 2010
start 10.30 end 13.30
Water, a common and universal human right , is the protagonist of the laboratory of the decrease. His willingness, his state of health in Italy and abroad, management systems, are the key elements that the laboratory deals with using the game interaction and relationship between all participants.
Why talk about water in a laboratory on the decline?
primordial elements and vital right of every living being, transformed into a commodity, water is one of the emblematic modern society through which to tell who has the heart of the relationship between people and between people and nature, unlimited consumption of resources and the primacy of market and economic power.
opportunity through participatory and "playful" to reflect together on society, on the basic elements of social life, management of common goods.
the November 27 - Saturday (10am, 30 to 13.30)
the City 'dell'Altraeconomia
the "conference room"
within two days of "THE MORE"
traveling workshop of the decay of Rome
Usb External Hard Drive Sony Tv
November 13
start at 16.30 hours late 19th
playful mode and relationship to the imaginary and encourage the creative work of participants on the theme of a society of decrease in opposition to the companies' growth.
interaction, knowledge, and play. The tool that is used is that of metaphor-design through the picture-language. The participants set to work with the opportunity to represent their imaginary ...
the November 13 - Saturday (h16, 30 - 19,00)
the Itinerant Laboratory decline of Rome
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How Long Does Lumix Batt

Food prepared and narrated by Elizabeth Rodriguez Chef de Fuentes
Slow Food Rocha-Uruguay Coordinator of the Community of artisanal fishermen and school Etnogastronomia 's Atlantic Ocean
In 'Food City Area dell'Altreconomia
Largo Dino Frisullo Ex Testaccio Slaughterhouse
dinner cost 25 €.
Event promoted by: Reorient
non-profit organization, Slow Food Lazio, CAE Association, House of Food, Laboratory of decrease
itinerant Roma, Beyond the Garden, EquoBio, TuttoUnAltro
World. The event is
between the actions of Mother Earth Rome Province
With the support of ' Advisory Board and the Embassy of Uruguay Uruguayan
booked for the dinner send an email to:
For info call 335/5769531 or visit the
This initiative is part of the campaign to defend the project City dell'Altreconomia
http://www.cittadellaltraeconomia . org
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
French Christmas Greetings, Example
I have forgiven almost unforgivable mistake, I tried to replace irreplaceable people and forgotten people forget. I acted on impulse, I was disappointed by the people who did not think it could do, but I too disappointed. I held one in my arms to protect it, I made friends for eternity. I laughed when it was not necessary, I loved and was loved back, but I was also rejected. I was loved and I could not reciprocate. I screamed and jumped for joy so many, many. I have lived in love and made promises of eternity, but I burned my heart many times! I cried listening to music or looking at photos. I called just to hear a voice. I'm back in love with a smile. I again thought die of nostalgia ... and I was afraid of losing someone very special (which I ended up losing) ... but I survived! And still alive! And life, I'm not tired ... And you will not have to wearily. Live! It is really good fight with conviction, embrace life and live with passion, daring to win and lose with class, because the world belongs to those who dare! Life is too good to be insignificant!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Guy Wearing One Piece
I wanted to learn to play the piano.
Learning to tap the keys with a simplicity and elegance of one who does it for passion, not simply as a lifestyle choice.
Nothing so absurd ... Certainly not aspired to perfection.
And instead I never learned.
Sometimes I find myself stopping to think about such passions in my life I have grown steadily ... Few, very few.
I always had the bitter knowledge that they do not possess any "gift" or special skills.
Just to name a few: I can not draw, they are out of tune, I can not play an instrument, I am embarrassed to dance, I am embarrassed as any other activity involving a foreign audience, I started with two thousand different sports and I dropped them all.
And then I used the damn bored. I'm bored.
I start to do something, anything, and when the novelty abandon everything.
How many months did not write this blog? This explains why.
There are things I love to do and between them there is writing, but there is no in which he can tell them apart.
count breaking balls and get almost to confuse fantasy with reality? I think not.
Return in-band-normality.
I am too ambitious to be able to make do, but fighting against my own limitations, it seems to me a lost game from the start.
Maybe I just need to dig a little ', to make other attempts ...
Ultimately, I doubt I know enough to be able to afford a priori to block the way for other projects, other ideas, however crazy or stupid they may seem.
course be less timid could facilitate self-conscious ...
But we do not like things easy, right?
Friday, August 27, 2010
What To Make A Complete Bedding
With this pseudo story I attended as a pseudo-literary competition.
only a starting reference as a starting point, the rest to the imagination.
"I believe in good people and things I can do.
And I think you're the most good and I know better than me at almost everything.
why I did what I did and I rushed here.
Because I think, rather, because I am sure, we should do it.
I'm sure you should slip into the ring and say yes before the first priest we meet or the mayor, because I know where he lives and would not be a problem. Only
I'm sure you should do this one simple thing.
Why do I need it, because I love you.
And why would you know it very well. "
what they really want?
nursed that little soft envelope and the letter I was wondering how he would react, I wondered if he would survive despite the image of me, the woman he fell in love, it was the crumbling in his hands, overwhelmed and taken away from fragile memories like sand in the wind.
I've never been a good person.
play well I knew my part, yes.
E 'extremely convenient and beneficial to hide his true nature behind a mask, drifting passively by the current prejudices and conventions.
No one had ever informed that we are all part of a great and ancient comedy tone most tragic comedy?
I feel like a bitch. A colossal bitch.
How long I used to read those lines? A minute? Maybe less.
In a minute I was able to demolish his every dream, every expectation, every wish. What
well worst I had not had the courage to tell him.
Maybe I was hoping to find a way around the obstacle, as it often did during the years spent together, but now that technique would not work, I would have had to deal with reality, with my reality.
It was presented under the peach tree in bloom in our first appointment with her hair all tangled and greasy hands: he was washing down the street and it was due to endeavor to change the wheel.
That was a sign of destiny?
to these antics I never believed it, but maybe that was the right time to broaden my views.
I did not move, I sat on the grass with his back leaning against the trunk of the old peach tree without saying a word, not even get close to him that usual banal repetitive fast kiss on the lips.
- Do not read it now. Wait for me is gone. -
I had simplified things.
If he had stayed there to wait for my reply, hoping to see my eyes shining with emotion would be a big problem.
With those simple words had allowed me to continue playing, without haste, without having to face the unexpected prey to palpitations.
poor darling ... Already I can imagine, quivering like a child waiting to hear the phone ring and then answer it hard to recognize my voice thick with tears.
I'm a monster? No. I am a woman
with its weaknesses.
Mine is a justification? No.
It 's a matter of objective fact and irrefutable.
Mine is just a fucking fear of loneliness.
That loneliness that slowly devours you, alienating and hostile.
For too long had imposed upon my senses to be silent.
The reason would prevail over emotion.
My eyes would look without seeing.
My hands touched without touching.
I should have surround sound dumb, of images without color, taste insubstantial, ethereal perfume.
All this in the name of what? Other
. Other
other others. Always
Think and act according to what others expect from you.
E 'tiring, grueling, exhausting.
drains you of your lifeblood, your essence. Get
any person you meet on the road going to work, no matter whether male or female, young or old, that's you.
're just a name, a job, a bank account.
you all, you're nobody.
arrived epilogue what I would have left?
A pile of yellowed photographs with fake smiles and hypocritical.
A ring with his diamond, estimated to what may be so in a sense carats.
As recited the verse of that old song?
You'll love ... for love or for drawing
guaranteed ... I built my happiness on his pain, I was aware.
My selfishness would be beneficial to both.
was what I kept telling myself trying to convince me.
I think in reality it was just a way to weaken my guilt, but I would never have allowed.
Loving thoughts of a woman who later discovered what was the difference between the mere existence and living, a woman who finally awoke from that slumber deleterious and poisonous?
- You're not what I want. -
I would have said.
I would have done.
unflappable, cool, calm.
We'd failed.
And I did.
I laid eyes on that date, read the blue barbs that made it almost unreadable.
confused words, full of anger, full of frustration.
I turned the page: the first, second, a third time.
Blank. Candide. Insensitive to the passage of time.
My life had stopped in August.
... If it is true that you're afraid, is not true that you feel alone, it is not true that it's cold, then why are you trembling in this August ...
These were the last words that I read before closing the pages of that old notebook that I had used for years as a friend, confessor as discreet and quiet.
tore into two perfectly equal the letter that I had saved, the uncomfortably tangible reminder of those moments.
was still there, pleading.
I threw it in the fireplace that was wearily falling asleep.
for a moment I saw the face of the man, who was a stranger to me now, burning in the flames.
A slight smile curled my lips.
A sweet sensation of lightness permeated my body.
I had forgotten how nice it could be.
His constant and overwhelming presence had proved the worst enemy I faced in those years. Fear
to receive almost as retaliation, the same pain I had inflicted.
fear of living in regret of a choice not made.
fear of prejudice, envy and resentment.
And now all this was nothing left but ashes, ashes soft and ephemeral.
I lay down beside him, taking his hand on my chest.
slept, almost gasping with breath that I had learned to love.
My new life begins with you
She was upset that my barren existence.
you that I had removed the mask and caressing me that I was not the beast.
She had taken me by the hand, with perseverance and patience, sharing my nightmares.
I went over and gently touching his ear with my lips I whispered in a low almost inaudible voice: "Yes."
slept deeply, but I was sure I'd seen her smile .
South Park Quote Kyle Fish Sticks
What has changed in these months of silence?
Apparently nothing.
rompiballeparanoicacomplessata are still the same person.
But this will be the first summer of my 23 years I will remember pleasantly, very pleasantly.
For the first time I managed to grind, at least in part, the shell of solitude in which I have always voluntarily shut.
I discovered, finally I should add, quell'astruso feeling that it is customary to define "friendship".
Miss Bathory seems to be reborn from its ashes.
A kind of humanized phoenix ... Even if I approach a lot more to the image of the harp, perhaps Pygmy ... Mythological figure coined specially for me: Harpy Pygmies!
Biscottino Or maybe Ginger? I have to try the recipe and try to do it!
I'm delirious ... They are just some of my cute nicknames XD
This cheerfully not apply to me, almost makes me feel.
sounded optimistic, seems full of hope and good intentions.
Now do not exaggerate.
My nature is always the same: melancholy and catastrophic, realistic .. Or maybe a pessimist?
do not think I have changed .. I evolved .. It can be said?
I enriched with new faces, I grew up .. Late, but it happened.
usually assumes that evolution is a positive .. Of this I am not sure, but that's okay .. I feel better about myself .. And basically that's what matters most is not it?
I wonder if one day be able to replace the "best" one "good" ...
Access to study would be a good start .. At least help feeling guilty for having reduced to two weeks before the exam even without having yet opened a damn book.
There are six exams to graduate.
In these four years I have killed to be able to never miss a precious months and this has also affected my already fragile sanity.
I was set to enter the path to college at age 23, maximum 24.
And it will.
But shit is harder than expected ... I'm literally bursting.
E ' I would like to build the future, one of my dreams, which prompts me to not give up.
will fight, I will pour all the blood that we need and we will succeed.
PSFanculo to Civil Procedure
PPSDevo thank those who have endured me, stand me and I bear in my path ... It is not easy thing XD
Red Patches In Mouth And Uvula
Some photos of the annual summer school on the themes of decline, this year was held on the island of St. Erasmo, Venice.
thanks to the entire organization, tutors and teachers to SpiazziVerdi and all realities ...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Masterbaition Males Viedeos Tec
Dear @
We are all together again as from next September, our laboratories.
on this blog will be given new appointments e. ..
if you want you can get in touch with us through :
traveling workshop
"In an era that Only tents, and at any cost, to expand the living space, and enhance the rational knowledge, is supreme need to be aware of their uniqueness and limits. Uniqueness and limitation are synonymous. Without them there is no perception of the unlimited - and, consequently, not taken of conscience - but only the illusion of identifying with it, an illusion that occurs in the intoxication of the great figures of political power and absolute. " (Jung) .
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Swott Analysis On A Beatury Salon
Sunday, July 4 hours 10-12
CSA La Torre, Via Bertero 13 ROME

Work In Yg Entertainment
We report a series of questions and proposals prepared by Alberto Castagnola for three days on the themes of decline

[With regard to individual behaviors are These skulls and other cards, such as number 14 of the Information System of Economy City, with tips on how to modify their individual and family consumption. Should serve ...] to identify the difficulties encountered and to find your individual approach to changing attitudes towards the economic mechanisms and against the dominant logic to be followed to avoid the obligations and constraints of the system.
The second part of question is much more difficult, because how to convince others and how to spread collective mode of a much more human and ecological living requires a complex of actions and a number of commitments still have not expressed substantially in practice anywhere. Throw the bumpy any indication, both
to understand the scale of the difficulties encountered:
- The constraints (advertising, television, imposed on consumption such as mobile phones or pointy shoes) have penetrated deep and would be dissolved or uprooted a psychoanalysis of mass, so only a counter very accurate over the long haul and spread by all possible means may have some effect contraceptive, may give rise to doubt, the emergence of contradictions, so widespread opposition to the sales techniques and the phenomena of imitating mass
- would serve even a very new language , positively, designed to facilitate recruitment of responsibilities, and techniques have been used so far old, dated, been too modest (parades, concerts, flyers and Super Deals, newspapers and radio without financial resources, etc..), and refusing to whether methods such as the theater of the oppressed or the teaching coscientizzante Paulo Freire
- Some mass phenomena (barter in Argentina with a million and half people involved or women's organizations in India, with 200,000 members of Sewa) are clearly due to the economic needs urgent, serious and long-term, which entire populations forced to move collectively. We must hope that these phenomena are multiplied before the environmental damage destroy us as a species?
- The use of networks, designed as a way of connecting horizontal , very different from the pyramid of parties and unions, is still new, but is major barriers to its expansion, even by organizations that pay lip movement, because in fact questioning the vertical forms of organization of their internal power, while the left still unable to conceive forms of organization of a national community that does not involve the seizure of power (that is based on measurement substantial on a real and widespread participation of citizens choices of interest).
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Ftse 250 Companies Listed By Value
After ' ex-Laundry in the complex of S. Maria della Pietà , as already announced the next workshops will be:
to Torre Monday, June 28 h18, 00
and popular demand:
Workshop "Knowledge and flavors - The hands-on!"
or make pasta at home on July 4 .

Saturday, June 19, 2010
What Order To Introduce Baby Food

We can not to assume that everyone knows the value of differences and indeed we live in an environment that increasingly considers the differences, especially the superficial (skin color, shape of the eyes, language, etc.). a real lack thereof, that is, characteristics that are automatically associated with lower intelligence, poor work, primitive customs, crime trends. Moreover, all the more in-depth research and analysis are rejected en bloc: concepts such as the origin of humanity is in a groove, that dell'Olduvai, Africa, or that human physiology does not lead to the conclusion on the existence of "races above, are considered the bullshit put into circulation by a little do-gooders' stupid. So unfortunately it is necessary at the outset clear away the prejudices and from racism (among other things, rapid growth in Italy) and this requires a significant task and that there will absolutely minority.
The idea of \u200b\u200ba world made up of a multiplicity of human groups that follow different paths at different times do not have built parallel cultures and value systems appears to be a very original concept easily accepted by only a small number of people. This world view, then, to be thorough and in depth perception requires positive experience, quite rare in the capitalist world: a cruise or a stay in Club Mediterranee provide few opportunities for actual contact with the cultures places of destination and a tourist trip organized, "five days and four nights in four countries in the Middle East," often provides participants with just a bunch of prejudices and experiences piled up, difficult to erase the rest of life. Complete the work with television documentaries on random partial reality located in a geography roughly (a prehistoric tribes in the Upper Amazon).
A culture is always a complex set of images and myths, feelings and world views, values \u200b\u200band behaviors that take time to be known and more time to be appreciated. Moreover, these deeper experiences need to be compared with detailed knowledge of other cultures that have followed very different evolutionary paths. The result also must not brought to trial generic, like "each group must be accepted for what it is" ( cultural relativism no less dangerous ) and must be filtered through the knowledge of their culture , But not too hasty or superficial and very critical.
I think at this point the only way you will be able to appreciate really "diversity" , that is to grasp the most exciting and valuable aspects of a culture, absorbing the most exciting things for our spirit and enhancing the facets (theoretically infinite) of our worldview.
The construction of a shared ground at the outset this requires effort, perhaps the only one that makes life worth living a full and continuous source of satisfaction.
for sharing be real (ie not just a general human attitude towards the other inhabitants the planet) must meet some basic conditions:
a) be motivated by a never-ending curiosity for foreign cultures
b) have a capacity of relationships that takes into account primarily the needs of others
c) exclude any position force or power and be able to comply with conditions of equality (not formal equality) in each of the relationships
That said, it's wonderful to enter into a hut like home and enjoy living it uses and perhaps antithetical to our morals without feeling obliged to judge or attack. In doing so finally we will enter into contact with our roots and our tail and we will work shoulder to shoulder with a native Brazilian, without knowing how to distinguish one from another.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Alternatives To Braces
The new workshop on the theme of water common good (short version)
Saturday 19 h16e30 about former laundry - S. Maria della Pietà

replication laboratory water common good " (short version)
to Torre Monday, June 28 h19e30
and always Torre workshop "Knowledge and flavors - The hands-on!"
or make pasta at home on July 4 .
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Color Theme For 14 Year Old
For further information and to reserve your participation please email
You are all invited to attend
on June 12 from 17.00 to 20.00
within the initiative
"For the environment, another economy, to the rights of all against all forms of racism"
11, 12 and 13 June 2010 - Park Bergamini - Via Raffaele Stockings, 37 - Rome
Friday, June 11 "Pills of shrinkage"
- at 19:00 Speech by the Itinerant Laboratory of decrease
- at 20:00 Meet the authors and Presentation of the book "In First Person: Lotte and territorial disputes committee Lazio." Following intervention of the Public Forum on the water
- Dinner at 21:00 by P- ROCIV ARCI.
- 22:00 pm Presentation of the book "The End of Liberalism-guide to the great financial crisis"
published by Paper / Intra Moenia Alberto Castagnola, an economist
- Link to video conference with Federico Demaria, activist and scholar of the decrease in the 'Autonomous University of Barcelona and activities' Association Research & Degrowth
- Intervention Ciclofficina The Cage and Bruno Ventre, responsible Equalway collaborative frame work in favor of fair trade groups and small producers who work in the field of fair trade, organic and local produce and the protection of biodiversity
Saturday, June 12 Rights migrants
- 16:30 Speech by Libraries Solidarity - Roman libraries involved in the promotion of projects for creating libraries reading and public schools in developing countries of the World
- 17-20 hours "Workshop on the Water" by the Itinerant Laboratory decrease.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Ellavated Bowfishing Decks
Water is our (in English)
short film about the battle in Johannesburg against pre-paid water meters, the Suez had imposed in the popular Soweto.
Link: (Amanzi Ngawethu) .
The Story of Bottled Water (in English)
Friday, March 26, 2010
What Is A Good Bmx Bike Under 200
The March 20, 2010 the Laboratory of decrease of itinerant Roma joined the ...

national demonstration in Rome
ripubblicizzazione For water, the protection of common assets, biodiversity and climate for participatory democracy
... continues with a workshop on the theme water!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Ftse 250 Listed By Market Cap

Checkout GDP and what is not? The contradictory nature of the gross domestic product: the limits of an indicator that runs in a "number only" the complexity of reality, ignoring important issues, crucial for the public welfare of our society
... more.
( to see the full interview * )
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Dragon Ball Doujinshi Mokuji

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sims 2 Vacuum Machine
bulging, exhausted, worn out.
tired of crying.
How many tears Possoni you pay before you fall victim of oblivion?
And how many before becoming arid, barren of emotions, perceptions, surprises?
How many tears devon pay before he could become imperturbable in the face of any concern?
Drops who do not cancel, do not wash away the image, that taste bitter, painful.
drops mingle with a nausea of feelings, desires, doubts.
extremely fragile.
Conscious innocence.
longing, a thirst for something that is not there something that lives only in illusions, c he eats greedy and covetous of the imagination, the imagination, which loves and hates, who curses you but which you could not do without.
all so very confused, clouded, restless ...
out of control, indifferent to every rule ...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Private School
Numero De Telefono De Verizon De Caza

After many calls from the
Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of Sabina Universitas
13 February 2010
From 17.30 to 20.30
Within the program dedicated to
To be held by ' February 11 to 13
To take part in
Look for special
WALL STREET is a simulation game where participants can express themselves through the role of entrepreneurs. How should entrepreneurs deal with the problems world economy and their own business: one must look at the market with the problems of demand for their products and the availability of resources needed to produce (raw materials, workers, etc.). and secondly have to worry about the financial market on which we evaluate their actions. will learn through play dynamics and contexts multinational companies and their boards of directors, following the impacts their economic choices on produce prices for their actions. At the end of the game the presence of experts to help analyze the reality as revealed through the game .
Please be punctual, because Time is money and please book writing
to: 338-2144489
(...) " became omnipotent and omniscient, forced me to the planet as omnipresent. I globalizzai. I even do not ever sleep: If the Tokyo Stock Exchange was quiet at night, I was there on that of elation São Paulo; if the one in New York closed in fall, I repaid the rise of London. My sermon delivered the opening on Wall Street a liturgy television broadcast around the globe. I became a cornucopia from which many have believed that his mouth would always be distilled rich quick, immediate abundant. I have fooled many people in such a short time, especially economists. So now that their theories as they squander their actions, and live in a state of depression equal to that of the banks and corporations.