Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby Shower Blessings

As you can see today I decided to tear my reputation and not to show my artistic and literary ability.
I chose this poem ...? sequence of words without a meaning? Cause I know that a person is liked. .. At least that's what I said ... And I really hope we ..
promise that torture ends here and I'll keep the rest for me.

A faded old photograph contours.
I feel your gaze rest on me.
Your eyes smile at me.
What do I mean?
You're making fun of me?
You're criticizing?
I see them shine.
not emotion, not emotion.
E 'melancholy, anxiety, anger, maybe hate.
shine a light that is fading slowly but inexorably.
shine the light of a broken dream.
I took a red pencil, red purple that you loved.
I traced the contours of your lips.
I have imposed that expression has now vanished from your face.
Deleted angrily.
swept away with contempt.
That expression as a bitter reminder that lives only in my memory.
a tear.
has been released, broke his fragile chains.
slowly slips.
Deceptive in its delicacy,
Piomba furious over us.
creep raging in my mind.
a while.
A life.
A life never lived.
I hope.
May wash away the torment that does not give me peace.
Again that smile.
now almost of compassion.
look away blushing.
embarrassment or shame?
prefer to remain silent.
're crying.
Small drops purple bathe your face.
I want to taste the taste of your tears.
and me.
America in a blur and focus.
Blood and tears obscure our faces.
My breathing becomes almost a whisper.
close my eyes.
I fall asleep.
I let the darkness take care of me.
I Cullin in the reality that has become my nightmare.


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