Friday, January 8, 2010

Differential Pay In Ca

Act I (and probably last)

- It's a fucking cold and it's like being in a damn graveyard on the wheels. Damn! -
The silence of the night is mitigated only by the constant rattle of the train on the rails: an indelicate sound that reaches my ears like sweet melody.
The windows are almost completely fogged.
I can still see a piece of that snowy landscape which now looks like a charcoal drawing in which nature has merged with the starry creating a distorted image that captivates and intrigues, but at the same time makes it restless and insecure.
And then ...
E 'sitting in front of me, committed to rummage in her purse resting on his knees.
seems to get lost in it as in a whirling spiral, without it being aware of what is happening around her.
I see dropping a cigarette brand and an economic magazine cover in what looks like a work of contemporary art: something incomprehensible to us mere mortals.
Poso my eye on you for a quick moment.
- Maybe it's an artist -
note with unconcealed curiosity, her hands white and delicate as the snow out there: no trace of color, but only conspicuous spots blue ink on the fingertips.
- It 's still immersed in his world. I wonder if that air so naive and innocent look that makes a funny expression on her face corresponds to reality or is just a way to attract unwary prey. -
Soon I would discover.
This should be the pseudo beginning of a pseudo story.
Banal, silly? I know ... Council did not even read neither this nor the follow-up.
But I'll have to start somewhere.
In fact, the ideas are there, the problem is put on paper.
It seems to me that he had just learned to take pen in hand, I feel like a schoolgirl on the first day of school ...
feeling uncomfortable, but inevitable.
are touchy, irritable and not open to criticism ... Another HUGE problem that will face ...


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