Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ice Skating Sharpening Machine

Babel in my mind ...

"A meta Siddhartha was intended: to become empty, empty of thirst, empty of desire, empty of dreams, empty of joy and pain. To die to himself, not be him, to find peace of heart emptied, the depersonalization of thought remain open to the miracle that was his goal . "
What is my goal?
And do not talk about meta tangible and concrete.
Nothing pragmatic.
I'm talking about myself ... So resolute and determined in my ideals of naive dreamer.
illusions where it takes me? It 'a food that reduces hunger, hunger for security and stability, but not really soothes the feeling of incompleteness, that desire for absoluteness that now erupts powerfully within me.
turns out to be nothing but a continual deception, a seductive and cruel mirage.
You feel suspended in the air, confident you cling to the one you hold, you hold it firmly, I clung there almost angrily.
And then confusion and bewilderment.
an incomprehensible sense of vertigo.
're slipping helpless, you can only let you fall hoping to soften the blow.
"To become empty, empty of thirst, empty of desire, empty of dreams, empty of joy and sorrow."
E 'who actually aspire to this?
If you do not know me well enough to say yes ...
relativity with extreme volatility and can claim to be willing to settle for something less than "dying to self" ...
I'll simply learn to live not only dreams or will end up being a victim of my own crime.


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